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Crafting Cultural Enchantment for BBC Persian's Yalda Night Celebration


had the distinct privilege of conceptualising and crafting a bespoke costume for none other than Behzad Bolour, a seasoned presenter renowned for his prowess at BBC Persian. With an unwavering commitment to promoting and celebrating Persian culture, he was set to grace the stage of the illustrious BBC Persian Yalda Night live program.

The focal point of this extraordinary endeavour was to pay homage to the captivating history of Haji Firouz, a cherished figure hailing from the annals of the Old Persian Culture. To bring this vision to life, I meticulously designed a resplendent costume that seamlessly blended tradition and modernity.

Behzad was adorned in a magnificent, multi-hued long coat that served as a vibrant canvas embodying the richness and diversity of Persian heritage. Each color was carefully selected to evoke different facets of our storied past, all woven together in a harmonious symphony of hues. The coat flowed gracefully, draping him in an aura of regality that transcended time.

But the pièce de résistance was the intricately crafted head mask that Behzad wore with an air of mystique. This mask, a true masterpiece, was a nod to the enigmatic nature of Haji Firouz himself. Adorned with delicate patterns and adorned with symbolic elements, it transformed Behzad into a living embodiment of history, a bridge between eras.

Not to be outshone, Pegah, a luminary in her own right, graced the stage with elegance and grace. She wore a resplendent Queen Heart feather design, a creation from her LA PEARLIN collection that exuded a sense of majesty and allure. The feathers, meticulously arranged and artistically displayed, caught the light in a mesmerizing dance, captivating the audience's attention and adding an extra layer of enchantment to the night.

As Behzad and Pegah took the stage, it was a confluence of history and modernity, tradition and innovation. The air was charged with an electrifying energy as they seamlessly wove together the threads of the past and the present, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Persian culture.

In the end, the costume I had the honor of designing was not merely an ensemble; it was a testament to the enduring spirit of Persian heritage, a visual symphony that resonated with hearts and minds alike. And as the night unfolded, the world watched in awe as Behzad and Pegah breathed life into Haji Firouz's legacy, reminding us all of the timeless magic that lies at the heart of Persian culture.



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