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“The Woman Power” Interview with “The Ciin” Magazine

Pegah Pourmand is a London-based Influencer, Stylist, and Designer. She is the founder of "LA PEARLIN By Pegah" and also a Revolve Brand ambassador. Pegah's educational background includes studying Business Psychology in Tehran, Iran, and fashion and styling from Conde Nast (Vogue) in London.

Pegah's love for fashion, art, and design developed from a young age. She has a passion for putting outfits together and designing pieces for herself. Her move from Malaysia to Singapore highlighted the cultural differences between the two countries, with Singapore being more advanced and sophisticated in terms of luxury markets.

During her career, Pegah worked with GEM Group in Istanbul, gaining experience in various aspects of production and media. In London, she transitioned to a role as a creative content creator and influencer, collaborating with brands and agencies in the fashion industry.

Living and working in different countries has greatly influenced Pegah's outlook. She values the educational experiences and personal growth that come from immersing herself in new cultures. Pegah's proudest moment has been launching her own fashion line, "LA PEARLIN By Pegah," and she continues to have goals and plans for her future.

The pandemic had a significant impact on Pegah's social and business life. She shifted her focus to self-care and used the time to work on her mental and physical health. Social media, especially Instagram, has played a crucial role in Pegah's career, allowing her to connect with her audience and collaborate with brands.

Pegah's personal fashion style is a mix of bold, striking, and feminine elements, adapted to her mood and the occasion. In a rapid Q&A round, she shared insights into her favorite movies, TV shows, talents, career advice, and more.

Overall, Pegah's journey showcases her passion for fashion, her international experiences, and her drive to create meaningful content and connections through social media.



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